Best Free Films on Youtube

Youtube may well be the home of the most cat videos in the history of mankind, but if you look deeper then you’ll find that there are actually a few free movies buried in the digital depths.

Here are a few worth your attention – well, if you’re something of a Sci-Fi fan.

Chrysalis – Futuristic cop thriller in a future where humankind is on the brink of extinction.


Saturn 3 – Huge robot goes crazy thanks to Harvey Keitel oggling Farah Fawcett in the shower.


Outland – Sean Connery remakes High Noon in space.


Split Second – Rutger Hauer and Kim Cattrall fight a killer creature in a sunken London.


The Running Man – Arnie does The Hunger Games back in the 80s.


The Lawnmower Man – Pierce Brosnan in this computer thriller that had great graphics at the time, but hasn’t aged particularly well. Fahey’s hair is wonderful though.


Well, that’s just a few to whet your appetite. Are there any others you’ve found that you think should be on the list? Let me know in the comments below.